How to Review Books

As you can see, I have been reviewing books for some time, and have some experience in how to do so. Although there are no hard and fast rules on how to review a book, there are a few things which most reviewers will want to bear in mind, in order to make sure that they are able to give an accurate and reliable review.

Firstly, it is important to consider and address the impact of your own personal preferences or understanding, and how this may have affected your interpretation of a book. For example, you might find a book which centres around a game of party poker which will be difficult to enjoy if you do not understand the rules of the game yourself. On the other hand, if you are a horse-riding enthusiast, then you might enjoy a book on this subject more than most people would. Don’t be afraid to mention your preferences
within your review – it is often better to be honest with your readers about the factors which may have influenced your reading experience.

Even if you dislike a book, it can be worth thinking about whether or not an author had achieved their aims in writing it. Maybe you would have done things differently, but if an author has achieved what they set out to do, then a book might still be considered successful. However, don’t feel the need to take too much of a detached approach – if a book had well-rounded characters and a structured plot but failed to engage you, then you should still point out that you didn’t enjoy it, but try and explain why.

Lastly, you should think about the type of book you are reading. If it was fiction, did it manage to hold your attention? If you are reviewing non-fiction, then think about whether it was well-researched, informative and accurate.

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