Magic Burns

Magic Burns by Ilona AndrewsMagic Burns by Ilona Andrews
Kate Daniels # 2

Publisher: Ace Books
Number of pages: 260
My copy: paperback, bought from PowerBooks

As a mercenary who cleans up after magic goes wrong, Kate Daniels has seen her share of occupational hazards. Normally, waves of paranormal energy ebb and flow across Atlanta like a tide. But once every seven years, a flare comes, a time when magic runs rampant. Now Kate’s going to have to deal with problems on a much bigger scale; a divine one.

When Kate sets out to retrieve a set of stolen maps for the Pack, Atlanta’s paramilitary clan of shapeshifters, she quickly realizes much more is at stake. During a flare, gods and goddesses can manifest – and battle for power. The stolen maps are only the opening gambit in an epic tug-of-war between two gods hoping for rebirth. And if Kate can’t stop the cataclysmic showdown, the city may not survive…

* * *

I wasn’t planning to read Magic Burns immediately after I finished Magic Bites because I didn’t want to go through the entire series too fast, plus I always rest in between reading a series so I can read other books from my TBR pile. But after I finished the first book, I was reeling so much from Kate and the magical Atlanta that I had to read what happens next.

Some time has passed after the events of Magic Bites happened, and Kate wakes up to a phone call from her former partner and shapeshifter Jim who offers her a gig. Together, they disarm an arsonist successfully, but not before the culprit is killed by an unknown assassin. As Kate sets to investigate this, she finds a bigger concern not just for her but for everyone: a magical flare is coming up, and when magic runs rampant, things are destined to go wrong.

Magic Burns further immerses us into the world of Ilona Andrews’ characters, where magic and technology rises and falls every now and then. This is further expounded here with the occurence of a magical flare that comes once every seven years. More creatures are introduced, including the existence of gods and goddesses, that even Kate wasn’t really buying despite all the magic that she knows. I like how more things seemed to be explained here, including how magic can make people, more insight on the Pack dynamics and the interesting new addition, the witches. The world building here is as solid as the first, and despite the amount of extraordinary things in Kate’s world, it was easy to accept the fact that these things exist.

What makes Magic Burns (and Magic Bites) so readable is how it’s not just serious fantasy. I love the little funny quips and things that happens in the novel, and I find myself shaking my head as I chuckle at a seemingly ridiculous scene but still very fitting. I think “deadpan” is the right term to describe it. For example, there was a scene in the book where Kate was talking to Gasthek, a necromancer, through a vampire host he sent to her office:

“What’s in it for me?”

“Monetary compensation.”

The day I took the People’s money would be the day I give up on being a human. “Not interested. Any other offers?”

The vampire stared at me, his mouth slack as Gasthek assessed his options. I took a couple of forms from my desk, put them in the vamp’s mouth, and pulled them up by their edges.

“What are you doing?” Gasthek asked.

“My hole puncher broke.” (p. 117)

See what I mean? I can only imagine what that scene looked like. :P

As always, Kate was very awesome here. In Magic Bites we get to see a bit of Kate and how tough she was. In Magic Burns, we see a bit of Kate’s soft side as she forms a relationship with Julie, the kid she “adopts” early in the book. We see her fierceness in protecting the person entrusted to her and what lengths she would go to just to keep her safe. Despite Kate’s strong personality and her need to be private, she’s not one without friends. She knows and keeps the value of friendship, going as far as provoking even the Beast Lord just to protect her friend. I like this side of her because it makes her more human. Further into the novel, though, we see a bit of how powerful Kate can be, and we learn a bit of her past, which I believe will be expounded on the latter novels.

And speaking of the Beast Lord. Ah Curran. :) I think I am starting to understand why the girls I know who like the series sigh with a mention of Curran. :) And that final scene? I wouldn’t have gotten The Princess Bride reference if I didn’t read this Goodreads review. I immediately re-read the last part and gave a tiny squeal (just tiny because I was in the office when I finished this) — “As you wish!” Squeeee! ♥ They tell me it gets better in the next books, so I can’t wait to read them.

Magic Burns is a solid follow-up to Magic Bites, if not better. :) I am about to start Magic Strikes, and I can’t wait to read more Kate and of course, whatever there is between her and Curran. :)

Rating: [rating=4]

Other reviews:
Chachic’s Book Nook
Janicu’s Book Blog
Book Harbinger
The Book Smugglers

16 Thoughts on “Magic Burns

  1. Oh my. Deadpan is exactly right. Lol, that excerpt is perfect. And ‘as you wish?’ Sigh. Love Julie too. I guess I need to reread this because I forgot how many great lines there are.

    • I marked more funny lines in the book, but that scene would be my favorite. :) Plus I liked that there was a mention of the Philippines there, by way of the coin on the monisto. Little thrills. :D

      I want to ask if Julie will be making an appearance in the latter books…but I think I’ll just go find out for myself. :)

  2. Totally missed the “As you wish” reference because I haven’t read Princess Bride. I’m glad you’re enjoying the series so far. :) It gets even better, I promise. I can’t wait to see what you think of the next two books.

    • I think I may need to re-read The Princess Bride again to really enjoy it. I didn’t really like it on the first pass. I liked the movie a lot, though.

      I’m 1/3 into Magic Strikes! Poor Derek. :(

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  4. Hehehehehe.

  5. WOW, I didn’t catch the Princess bride reference either!! Thanks for pointing that out :)

    Loved this book, reviewed the series as well – I’m sure you will enjoy Kate’s story, it only gets better from here!!
    Thanks for entering my contest @ e-Volving Books

  6. Hi, Tina!

    One of these days, I will have the guts to pick up and read these books. Frankly, the covers turn me off. They’re so in your face! Hehehe.

    • Hi Peter! Yeah, they are pretty much like that. I wasn’t really a fan of the first book’s cover, but it’s improving. I wouldn’t have picked up the books based on the cover alone. If not for Chachic and Michelle’s pushing, I would have totally ignored these books.

      But I do hope you get to read them sometime. They’re really good. :)

    • Hi, Peter! Yes, too bad about the cover. It obviously meant to attract female readers who are into tough heroines. Unfortunately, it probably is turning off some casual browsers. You can borrow my copies. They’re a fast read, promise!

  7. Noticed Curran likes it in Kate’s place? hehe. Poor Kate, it will take her a while to catch on to the ****.

    One thing I like about this series is the perfect balance of mushy and tough: just enough of the first and and dollops of the latter set in a very curious world. I see this balance as a reflection of the dynamics from the husband-and-wife author-tandem.

    I also really like discovering Kate has a soft spot–gives another complication to the plot as she is supposedly on a mission and soft spots could be detrimental to the success of that mission.

    I can’t wait for your review of Magic Strikes. After that, we can be in anguish together waiting for Magic Slays, fifth in the series.

    • I just finished reading Magic Strikes yesterday, and I cannot wipe the smile off my face right after. Hee. :”>

      I started Magic Bleeds earlier and I felt kind of bad about what happened in the prologue…but based on the reviews, I think Curran will somehow redeem himself. I can’t wait to continue reading. :)

  8. Pingback: Magic Strikes | One More Page

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