30 Fantasy and Paranormal Fiction Must Reads at Female Network

Ahoy there! I like using that term because the rains last week made me feel like I was living in an island. I did experience a lot of floods, but not as bad as the one we had 2 years ago. It’s still a hassle, though. Not to mention that our internet connection is wonky ever since the rains hit us, so yeah, I even felt more like an island last weekend. :/

So what’s a girl to do when there’s no internet? Read, of course. I managed to do a lot of reading last Friday night and yesterday. I loved it, because it’s been a while since I was able to lose myself in a pages of a book without getting distracted by the online world. So yeah, there was something good about that.

Then I remembered that I wasn’t able to post that I have a new book list up at Female Network! Eeps. So, in case you’re like me and you happened to end up with a rainy weekend with no Internet, stock up on these 30 fantasy and paranormal reads! Nothing like a little escapism to forget the rainy day worries, yes?

Love, Magic, and Monsters: 30 Fantasy and Paranormal Fiction Must-Reads

Click the link to go to the list!

This list wasn’t a hard list to write at all, mostly because I’ve read a lot more fantasy than I used to, and because of so many book bloggers who helped directly (by giving suggestions) and indirectly (from their book blogs): Chachic, Janice, The Book Smugglers, Kai, Ariel, Aaron, Jason, Monique and Tricia. :) Book bloggers help make writing about books so much easier — thank you friends!

So, hop on over to the list, talk about what books you have read from the list and share your own suggestions! :)