
I think this looks like me. :)Hi! Welcome to I like it Dog-Eared, my book blog. This used to be One More Page, but sometime in 2013, I got tired of it and realized that maybe I’ve outgrown that “one more page” thing. So I thought of something new, and I realized that there’s one thing I really like doing to my books while I read: I dog-ear. My equally bookish and a little more OC with books friends are horrified with this, but I can’t help it! I dog-ear books when I read something I like, and I like seeing dog-ears on the books I reread. Somehow, it tells me how much I like the book. So now, this is my newish old book blog, with a new look and a new name — I like it Dog-Eared.

Oh, btw, I’m Tina (sometimes known as Tinamats), from the Philippines. You may have read my (old) personal blog at some point, so you may already be familiar. :) I used to review books in my personal blog but I realized that they were overwhelming my personal one when my friends complained about it, so this blog is born.

I love to read and write, so book blogging somewhat comes naturally for me. I’m no literature expert though — in fact, my day job is all about computers and web. I graduated with a computer-related degree, but that didn’t stop me from reading and writing and reading some more.

I’m a fairly talkative person so most of my reviews are long and personal, because I try to find the book’s connection in my life. I try to be honest with every review I write, though, so I guess you can count on that. :) My book collection can be found in my Goodreads account. Most of the books I enjoy reading recently fall under contemporary romance, contemporary YA, chick lit, Christian fiction, young adult fiction, and a little of the speculative fiction. I also read my share of classics, but I find that I read those books slowly because it takes a while for my head to get into the language. I’m not much into historical fiction, or political or horror, and I’m rather lukewarm on non-fiction books. Graphic novels are rare for me, but I enjoy them every now and then. I’m very open to book recommendations, so if you think there’s a book that I’d enjoy (regardless of the genre), feel free to leave a comment or send me an email through the form below. :)

tfg logo

I’m also one of the administrators of one of the local book clubs in the Philippines that’s on Goodreads – The Filipino Group. We hold monthly discussions about different books. I’ve read a lot more books because of my book club, and they’re also some of the best bookish people I know. If you’re looking for a book club to join, why not join us? :D I’m sure you’ll have fun. :)

Other than reading, I write, and I am still working on getting something published sometime.  I also like running, dancing, traveling and good food. I squee over cute cats and dogs, tigers, sunflowers, stars, Grimace and Cookie Monster. :)

All my reviews are listed here, and if you want to see what reading challenges I’ve joined this year, you may see them here (encouragements and suggestions highly appreciated). I love hearing from my visitors, so leave a comment anywhere, or drop me a line through hello[at]tinamats[dot]com or through the form below. Don’t be shy, say hi! :)

And no, that picture isn’t me, but I still stand by my speculation that I look like her. Photo is Gretchen from Stephen Emond’s Happyface. :) He did send me this one last February 2011:

That’s pretty accurate. :)



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4 Thoughts on “About

  1. I find it interesting that many of the book bloggers I find are working in the computer industry. I’m also in web software development :)

    • (Wow this reply is totally late)

      Hi Mark David! I have a lot of friends who are computer people but also love reading and are blogging about books now. :) I think we all need a break from all the techie stuff and go back to old-fashioned printed words every now and then. :)

  2. Wow. That was very strange. I just wrote a message and hit me enter key to go down a space and the msg was gone!
    So, I just wanted you to know that I am solo blogging now. I don’t know if it’s going around or not? I’d like for you to come check it out and still stop by every now and then as I will do the same in return!
    Have a lovely night!