I’m having a very slow reading week, and to be honest, I’m not quite in the mood to write any reviews yet. So while I’m drumming up juice to write reviews and trying to finish the books I’m reading (hopefully I get enough time this week!), here’s a plug for my latest book list from Female Network.
As I was writing this, I was surprised at how hard it was to describe why the characters of these novels (those pictured above and more) are role models. I can only use “brave”, “fiercely loyal” and “extremely kind” so many times, you know. LOL. Plus, for some reason, I keep on equating role models in characters to characters that had great relationships with their parents. But do you know how rare that is in YA? I mean, teens are bound to disagree with their parents every now and then (more often than not), but it doesn’t mean they don’t have a good relationship with their parents.
Anyway, this list has actually been up for a while, and I was busy finishing the next one that’s why I didn’t have the time to post this. Watch out for that next one soon!
So, who’s your YA role model? Were they on the list above? If they weren’t, be sure to share your role model in the list’s comments section! :)