In My Mailbox (22): Birthday Mailbox, Part 1

I haven’t done an In My Mailbox post in ages, even if I’ve been sort of steadily getting books ever since my last post. Oops. I guess I was just lazy. I meant to do an IMM post for my Christmas loot but laziness got to me, and truth be told, I’m just not in the mood to post about it anymore. You’ll just see some of the books I got then in my reviews soon, when I get to read some of them. :)

But let’s try again. March is my favorite month because it’s my birthday month! I thought I’d turn over a new leaf as far as posting IMMs are concerned, so instead of a one-time big-time post, I thought I’d post in increments (assuming I get more before this month ends :D)!

So here we go — my first birthday mailbox post! :) I got some really cool stuff recently, and some of them were things I was totally not expecting! First, my favorite artist, Dave Barnes, released Stories to Tell, his newest album, the other day. :D Cue Squee here!

Stories to Tell

Stories to Tell by Dave Barnes on my iPod <3

I had it pre-ordered on iTunes, and when I got the email that it’s ready for download, I turned on my phone’s data and used it to download the album on my iPod immediately! I’ve been listening to it since I got it and as usual, Mr. Barnes delivers. ♥

Second. I got home yesterday and saw an unopened pink courier package on the kitchen counter. Since it was still unopened, I was pretty sure it was mine. Inside:

Hm, mystery package!

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