Happy Birthday Giveaway Winners

My birthday week has come and gone and I can definitely say that has been one of the best birthdays I’ve had. thanks to everyone who made it special. :)

Those people who made it special includes everyone who joined my birthday giveaway. Thanks so much for your greetings and your recommendations. I love how some of my friends who are usually quiet online even left comments just so they could greet me and help raise the amount to donate. There were 44 comments (43 actual comments, 1 pingback) by the end of the contest period. Rounding it off to 45, That means I get to add $9 to my donation. But since 9 is a bit of an odd number, I decided to make it $10 instead, making my donation $35. Again, I know that isn’t much and I don’t think it can hardly buy gold coins, but every little bit counts, right?

I made the donation today, much thanks to Paypal for making it easy. :)

Donation receipt

Thanks again to everyone for helping me with this. :) Let’s keep on praying for Japan, and for the world, too.

And now, for the other and the most awaited part of this post: the winners! Put all the names in via random.org and clicked Randomize! First two names in the list are the winners. :) Wee~

(Of course I’m putting them under a cut. Suspense much. Drumroll…)

(Oh, and it should be winners not just winner. :D)

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Anniversary Giveaway Winners!

I couldn’t sleep last night, so I decided to do what I was supposed to be doing when I started my anniversary giveaway and log all the comments in an Excel file. I should have started doing it from Day 1, but I was too lazy to do so. The bout of insomnia last night made me finish it, and I was astonished to see that I had to wade through almost 20 pages of comments in my WordPress to log all the comments (of course, half of those are my replies, but still!). WOW.

Thanks to weheartit.com too! :)

My last giveaway got only 13 entries. Granted, it was only open to the Philippines, and my blog was virtually new then, so that was understandable. The anniversary giveaway was expected to be different, but holy smokes, I was surprised at the number of comments I logged last night! There were only 52 people who commented on all entries for the entire contest period, but there were a total of 206 comments all in all. Again, WOW.

I’m rambling, I know, and I know you want to know who won. But first, let me thank everyone again, for taking the time to read, comment and interact not only with me but also with the other people who commented in the posts. It’s fun to read the conversations going and the questions raised. It’s especially nice to see people coming back to reply on the other replies, because I know that is not usual! So once again, thank you for joining the contest and bringing lots of interesting discussions in my blog. It’s always a thrill to check my email and see that I have comments to approve, or there are comments from returning visitors. I loved replying to all of them, too. If I haven’t said it enough, one more time: THANK YOU!

And now we go to the exciting part. The winners!

One More Page Anniversary Giveaway WinnersAgain, everyone who’s left a comment in my posts from December 24 to January 9 get an entry each, and the more comments left, the more entries they get. There is one winner from the my hometown and another international winner, as long as Book Depository ships to wherever you are, since that’s where I’ll be ordering the book. I put all the comments in an Excel file with the date of their comment, their name, email address and where they commented, and then indicated if they are from the Philippines (local) or not (international). Then I put the local and international entries in their own sheets so it’s easier to pick a winner. Then I sort of jumbled them around by rearranging the rows so they’re more or less “mixed”, like actual raffle entries.

Again, a refresher: the winners can each choose ONE book from the following:

I’m stalling, I know. :P But here we go. :)

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